Are You Ready for the Future of Business?

The digital era is transforming the way we do business. With 86% of IT leaders believing in the predominant role of generative AI and 74% projecting a demand for better IT service capabilities, there's no time to be left behind.

"Success knows no boundaries when you have a single view of your customer." – Salesforce Customer 360.

What's inside this ebook

Stay Competitive

Embrace the pressure that 74% of IT leaders project for better IT service capabilities.

Empower Your Team

Learn how to adapt at light speed, a necessity for 62% of IT leaders.

Enhance Customer Experience

Get ready for the world of AI that 86% of IT leaders see shaping the future.

Lead with Confidence

Translate your goals into measurable objectives like the 82% of IT leaders who recognise the importance of clearly defined goals.

Ready to Unlock the Potential of Your Business with Salesforce Customer 360?

Equip yourself with the insights needed to navigate the future. With CloudSmiths, explore technology's role in business resilience, digital transformation's holistic nature, and how generative AI is shaping the business landscape. Learn how Salesforce Customer 360 lets you know your customer like never before. Download our exclusive eBook today and take the first step towards successful digital transformation.